“…Hwalan Shub, as the vulnerable Echo, … the most distinctive of the naiads…”
-Collins-Hughes, The New York Times
“Hwalan… I am so delighted and awed to be able to work with you. You make me tremble. That is a compliment. You make my nerve endings and muscles and bones tremble in grief and despair and the glory of extraordinary art…. I often think about what it means to be alive. I do not have an answer but direction. It means beauty. It means the pursuit of excellence. It means integrity, a pulling together not only of our longing as individuals but for our common humanity. All these I experience from you. All these I learn from you. I am deeply grateful.”
-Everett Cox, Vietnam Veteran
“[Hwalan], I can’t forget that performance, how you made my words and feelings come to life that night. I owe you a great deal of thanks. I feel like I am the person I am now because of that moment. It was a huge moment of opening myself to the universe. I’m glad you’re in this world.”
-Nicole Goodwin, Iraq Veteran
“I just had a phone call from a Viet Nam vet who saw our performance today. He told me, in ten different ways, it was shocking. Then he thanked me ten different ways… He said ours is just the message the public needs to see and hear and vets need to be reminded of. He was a medevac crewman. He describes his tour of duty of being ankle deep in blood for 12 months. He wore his hat the whole time today. What’s beneath it is a bulls eye tattooed on the back of his head. Lots of vets have them, even if they are invisible. When he says thanks, he says thanks for millions of vets.”
-Anonymous, Combat Veteran
“The struggles that haunted veteran Alice Cheng, played by actress Hwalan Shub…The way in which they were able to depict the effects of PTSD was nothing short of amazing.”
-The New Paltz Oracle
“The Veterans’ Project: Leaving Theater” at the Warwick Arts Festival on July 23 was part play, part veteran-civilian dialogue, part participatory drama—theater in its richest sense…Alice Chang (Hwalan Shub), the main character, turns to drugs and alcohol to numb herself, and a bar brawl lands her in jail. She spirals downward until she contemplates suicide.”
“Underlying an emotionally riveting performance by actors, both Veterans and civilians, men and women, the key question is how do you (as a Veteran) want to be understood by those who seek to help or bridge that unique experience for those who served, and society, who they pledged to protect.”
“I choreographed Hwalan in New York City Opera’s Monodramas. I was perpetually captivated by her presence on stage, her highly athletic physicality, her attention to articulating very specific movements and her lyrical, at times etheric carriage. Hwalan was my go-to dancer whenever I needed a soloist to execute an important featured moment.”
–Ken Roht, Choreographer
“…a surreal and visually beautiful production…”
–Tommasini, The New York Times
Seth: Again: LYNCH.
Mary: VERY VERY LYNCH. Importantly so.
–The Awl
“The stage action featured skilled physical movement, at a glacial pace that recalled the productions of Robert Wilson…”